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Laughing mature and multiethnic sports people at park. Happy group of men and women smiling and stacking hands outdoor after fitness training. Mature sweaty team cheering after intense training.; Shutterstock ID 1999270211; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -




60 歲以上的人存在聽力損失。¹⁰,¹⁵


聽力損失患者比過去早 2 年獲得助聽器¹⁶。

Happy friends discussing at dining table in dinner party


無論聽力損失的程度如何,它都會對您的社交、情緒和整體健康產生影響。其會慢慢蔓延,逐漸影響您與他人溝通和聯繫的能力。其也會影響您在周圍環境中感到安全的能力,影響您的社交生活和參與度。 聽力良好是整體健康衰老的關鍵:

  • 據報導,使用助聽器可以更融入團體活動¹
  • 助聽器改善聽覺和大腦健康
  • 助聽器的使用也與工作和社會活動的增加有關, 對女性來說,自我報告顯示與身體活動增加有關。⁹



Grandmother and grandson sitting on porch





  • 治療認知能力下降風險增加的老年人聽力損失,可以減緩 記憶能力的喪失。3
  • 使用助聽器可以保持認知健康。4   
  • 聽力提升可以幫助您的思考能力。14



使用助聽器可以帶來一些生理上的好處,其中包括改善平衡感、提高環境意識7和提高活動程度8 。

Woman standing indoors with her laptop in hand.



Cheerful old mother and young adult woman talking laughing together, smiling elderly older mum having fun chatting with grown daughter, two age generations pleasant conversation at home concept; Shutterstock ID 1231591396; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -



  • 全世界約有 15 億人受到聽力損失的影響,約占世界人口的 16%。¹⁰
  • 大約 65% 的聽力損失患者經歷輕度聽力損失,30% 經歷中度聽力損失,5% 經歷中度或極重度聽力損失。¹¹ ¹²
  • 大多數聽力損失患者處於就學年齡或工作年齡。¹³
Smiling latin hispanic woman stretching hand and relaxing on beach. Woman breathing deeply at seaside with eyes closed. Happy woman standing on the beach and enjoy the sun tan with arms outstretched.; Shutterstock ID 2134545737; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -


聽力損失的早期跡象往往不受注意 – 常規聽力檢查對健康衰老及生活品質至關重要。


* 在一項針對接受助聽器治療的聽力損失老年人的研究中,大多數人在 18 個月後認知功能保持穩定,甚至有顯著改善。更頻繁地使用助聽器與執行功能性技能方面更大程度的改善相關

1. Abrams, H.B., & Kihm, J. (2015). An Introduction to MarkeTrak IX: A New Baseline for the Hearing Aid Market. Hearing Review, 22(6), 16. 2021 年 3 月 25 日擷取自 – 將此更新為 Marktrak 10 要求的新參考

2. Taljaard, D. S., Olaithe, M., Brennan‐Jones, C. G., Eikelboom, R. H., & Bucks, R. S. (2016). The relationship between hearing impairment and cognitive function: a meta‐analysis in adults.  Clinical Otolaryngology, 41(6), 718-729.  

3. Lin, F., et al. (2023, July 17). Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. DOI:

4. Sarant, J., et al. (2023, July 16-20). Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Hearing Loss: Outcomes for treated vs untreated groups at 3-year follow-up [Conference presentation]. AAIC 2023 Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

5. Vercammen, C., Ferguson, M., Kramer, S.E., Meis, M., Singh, G., Timmer, B., Gagné, J-P., Goy, H., Hickson, L., Holube, I., Launer, S., Lemke, U., Naylor, G., Picou, E., Scherpiet,S., Weinstein, B., & Pelosi, A. (2020). Well-Hearing is Well-Being: A Phonak Position Statement. Hearing Review, 27, 18-22.  

6. Ferguson, M.A., Kitterick, P.T., Chong, L.Y., Edmondson-Jones, M., Barker, F., Hoare, D.J. (2017). Hearing aids for mild to moderate hearing loss in adults. Cochrane Database of System Revue, 9., R.J. & Lin, F.R. (2015). The Effects of Hearing Impairment in Older Adults on Communication Partners: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26/2, 155-182 (28).

7. Negahban, H., Bavarsad Cheshmeh Ali, M., & Nassadj,G. (2017). Effect of hearing aids on static balance function in elderly with hearing loss. Gait Posture, 58:126-129.

Rumalla, K., Karim, A.M. & Hullar, T.E (2015). The effect of hearing aids on postural stability. Laryngoscope, 125(3), 720-723.   

Vitkovic, J., Le, C., Lee, S.L. & Clark, R.A (2016). The Contribution of Hearing and Hearing Loss to Balance Control. Audiol Neurotol, 21(4),195-202.

8. Dawes, P., Cruickshanks, K. J., Fischer, M. E., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R., & Nondahl, D. M. (2015). Hearing-aid use and long-term health outcomes: Hearing handicap, mental health, social engagement, cognitive function, physical health, and mortality. Int J Audiol, 54(11), 838–844.

9. Holman, J. A., Hornsby, B. W. Y. , Bess, F. H., & Naylor, G. (2021). Can listening-related fatigue influence well-being? Examining associations between hearing loss, fatigue, activity levels and well-being, International Journal of Audiology, DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2020.1853261 

10. World Health Organization. (2021). World report on hearing. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2021 年 3 月 8 日擷取自

11. Carr, K. (2020). 20Q: Consumer Insights on Hearing Aids, PSAPs, OTC Devices, and More from MarkeTrak 10. Audiology Online. 2021 年 3 月 25 日擷取自

12. Ehima. (2020). Hearing Aids improve Hearing - and a LOT more. 趨勢源自 EuroTrak 資料庫 2009 – 2020。2021 年 3 月 25 日擷取自

13. Jorgensen, L., & Novak, M. (2020). Factors Influencing Hearing Aid Adoption. Seminars in hearing, 41(1), 6–20. 

14. Blustein, J., Weinstein, B.E., & Chodosh, J. (2023) It is time to change our message about hearing loss and dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society;1‐4.

15. NIH Pub. No. 97-4235, March 2016.

16. MarkeTrak 2022: Navigating the changing landscape of hearing healthcare. Hearing Review, 29(5):12-17

