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Find a hearing care specialist near you

Are you looking for help with hearing loss or to check your hearing? Do you need audiological care? Or, are you interested in where to get a hearing aid? We can help you find a hearing care specialist in your area.

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Congratulations on taking the first step

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step in improving your hearing health. A hearing care professional can help you find a solution that fits your lifestyle.

Now that you have taken the first step, things can start to happen! Together with a hearing care professional, we can guide you on your journey to better hearing and make sure you get the best solution for your lifestyle

What to expect when you visit a Hearing Care Professional?
1. You Talk

On your first visit, you do the talking and we’ll do the listening! We want to hear about how your hearing has changed and understand the challenges you’re facing. Once we do that, we can decide what steps to take next.

2. We Listen

After hearing about your challenges, the next step is a hearing test, which allows us to understand what you can and can’t hear. Once your hearing levels have been established, it becomes eager to figure out what solutions will be best for you, when paired with the struggles you’ve described in your everyday life.

3. Let’s Decide

Taking into account things like your family, work and social life, together we can decide what might be a good solution for you. It’s important that we work together to find a solution that is going to work for your unique lifestyle.

4. Adjusting

Our role doesn’t stop after you’ve decided on a solution. Hearing aids needs to fine tuned to help you hear your best in all situations, and we work to make sure they are customized to fit your needs.

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