The Roger MultiTalker Network
September 6, 2023
Published by Melissa Hyder
Advocating for the best learning environment for children with hearing loss can be tricky. Students learn in a variety of ways other than direct instruction. Classroom lessons include partner work, group discussions, multimedia elements, and guest speakers. Creating a setting that provides access to clear sound in those learning settings is essential to me as a parent.
When I learned about the Roger MultiTalker Network (MTN) I was so excited about all the ways it can support my children with hearing loss. The Roger MTN is a revolutionary technology that allows up to 35 microphones to be connected within the network.
More Than One Speaker
The first time I experienced the Roger MTN was when my son, Ayden, started preschool. I was still in shock about the amazing benefits of the Roger Remote Microphone. When the teacher wore the microphone, her voice was amplified a little louder than the rest of the room. The sound transferred directly to his hearing aids. However, there was one small problem. My son’s preschool had two teachers. I felt nervous he was missing out on all the instruction occurring when the head teacher was working with other kids.
To my surprise, the MTN feature allowed for a second speaker. That means that while the teacher can wear the microphone, a co-teacher or teaching assistant can also wear a Roger microphone. My son had access to both speakers increasing his access to sound and learning in the classroom.
Additionally, The Roger MTN not only allows for multiple teachers to be connected to my children’s devices but also allows for multimedia to be used in the classroom. My children’s teachers are using their smartboards throughout the entire day. From read-alouds to GoNoodles to informational videos, multimedia is an essential tool for learning. The multimedia hub connects within the MTN allowing for enriching content to stream directly into their devices. The teacher continues to wear the Roger Remote Microphone, providing access to both simultaneously.
Pass-Around Mic
The pass-around mic is another classroom tool made possible because of the Roger MTN. The pass-around mic is held in hand or placed on a stand. The teacher continues to wear the Roger Touchscreen Mic, while this additional Pass-around microphone is placed at desks or tables. I’ll never forget when my son returned to school after being shut down during the COVID pandemic. Everybody was required to wear masks. My son said, “Mom, I can hear the teacher great because she is wearing the Touchscreen Mic, but I am having a really hard time hearing my friends.”
I shared this with my son’s hearing itinerate, a teacher of the deaf who supports students in a mainstream setting. She told me about the benefits of the Pass-around mic. Now, the Pass-around mic is used daily and is an intricate part of his classroom learning. Without the Roger MTN, this feature would not be possible.
The Roger MultiTalker Network turns a challenging learning environment into a rich educational experience. Creating access to clear sound in a variety of ways children learn is incredibly important. Students need access not just to the classroom teacher but to multiple teachers, multimedia, and their peers. The Roger MultiTalker Network makes that possible.